
How to Gain Weight Within 2 Weeks (With The Help Of Mega Shake)

How to Gain Weight Within 2 Weeks (With The Help Of Mega Shake)

Here I am going to tell you how to gain weight within 2 weeks with the help of Mega Shake. And all this information which i am going to provide you is very beneficial for you to gain weight within 2 weeks. This is one of the good Weight gain diet or weight gain recipe. And this is the Natural Shake.

All this information is regarding the weight gain shake (Mega Shake) which you can prepare at home very easily. And all the things which we are going to use to make this weight gain shake (Mega Shake) is easily available in the market. Or there is no side effect of this shake.

To gain weight there is only one formula.And to increase weight it is must to increase your calories intake. I know that most of you, who are reading this already know this. My motive to tell you all this is only one reason which is this shake which you will make in your home is made on the calories basis. 

Also all of you are using these things in your daily life. The only difference is there is, I am telling you the proper way to use these one’s to gain weight. 

So lets start, to learn how to gain weight within the 2 weeks, you must have 5 things that are: Oats, Almonds, Raisins, Banana and Milk. And the quantity of these things are given below, also the calories(approx) of this weight gain shake are given below, you can see and can make the weight gain shake.

Calories (approx.)
50 gram
8-10 piece
8-10 piece
1 glass(250 ml)   



Procedure to make the Mega Shake

  • Firstly take the 50 grams oats in the jar.
  • And secondly, take almonds, raisins and grind all these for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • After that take banana and 1 glass milk and grind again for the same time period. And now your shake is ready. 


This weight gain shake (Mega Shake) is for the skinny ones or those who want to increase their weight. If you want to increase the weight then you should try this homemade shake. And with the regular use of this shake you should gain your weight 2-3 kg within 2 weeks.
And if you are more skinny then you can use this shake two times a day. Once in the morning and Once in the evening. 

If you are going to the gym or you are doing some exercise daily, then i recommend you to use this Mega Shake as a post-workout. So it will be more beneficial to you.