
Healthy and Balanced Diet

Healthy and Balanced Diet

Here I am going to tell you about the healthy and balanced diet. To keep a body fit, it’s most important to have a healthy and balanced diet. It doesn’t matter much if you workout or otherwise but your fitness level depends upon your kitchen. 
Today, I am going to tell you what to eat to be healthy. So here I am going to share with you what to eat to stay healthy. A healthy and balanced diet means that one takes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber in adequate amounts. And today I will tell you all about these one by one.

Firstly, let’s talk about proteins. Proteins are the bodybuilding foods. But this doesn’t suggest that if you don’t work out you need not have proteins. 
And one thing which first comes to mind is how much protein our body wants. Friends, it’s very simple. Minimum protein intake daily should be 1g/kg (approx.) body weight. 

Let me now tell you the protein sources that you can consume. 

If you are non-vegetarian then you can eat these protein sources:

  • You can eat 1-2 whole eggs every day, rest egg whites. 
  • You can eat 150 grams of chicken breast almost every day. 
  • Next one is fish. Weekly, you can eat fish 1-2 times.

Now let’s talk about the vegetarian protein sources. If you are vegetarian then you can eat these protein sources:

  • You can eat tofu, beans and lentils.
  • You can eat yogurt, milk, cheese.
  • You can eat nuts, whole grains, etc. These consuming proteins as well as fats also.

Soya is a very rich source of protein. Perhaps, eating soy mimics the activity of hormone estrogen in males. This is, however, a debatable issue. I have read many articles about this. Some studies suggest it, others are against this notion. I eat soy chunks once a week. There are so many protein sources. Why just depend on soy? On the other hand, vegetarian protein sources are incomplete sources of protein (Quinoa is an exception). This is why it is recommended to keep varying your vegetarian protein sources. In protein sources, these are the good ones for a healthy and balanced diet. So eat these vegetarian and non-vegetarian protein sources.

Now, let us talk about the primary energy sources, Carbohydrates.

In general, there are two types of carbohydrates and that are the Simple carbs and complex carbs. 
Simple carbs like the refined flour get burned pretty fast and then it gets stored as fat. On the other hand, complex carbs burn slowly and provide energy for a longer period of time. Undoubtedly, complex carbs should be preferred over the simple carb sources. 

Let me share with you the complex carb sources which you can use:

  • Firstly, the natural oats. Whenever you prepare oats, if you want then you can add a fruit to it for the flavor. 
  • Whole wheat porridge. You can prepare this yourself at the flour mill. It is really good. I don’t prefer brown bread because if you check its ingredients, refined flour is mixed into it. I prefer multi-grain bread.
  • Next is sweet potato. 
In carbohydrates sources, these are the good ones for a healthy and balanced diet.

Now, let’s talk about the Fats. So, let me now tell you the fat sources that you can consume. 

  • Foremost, the Nuts. Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts. Actually, good fat cuts bad fat. 
  • Another very healthy source of fat is PeanutButter. You can also make it at home. If you want to check out the recipe. You can check by clicking here how to make Home-made peanut butter. You can make it yourself. 
  • Next is olive oil. This is extra virgin olive oil. I do not use any oil for cooking. This is for topping. Also, you can eat avocados. These are not easily available in India but whenever they are, you can get them. It is an excellent source of healthy fats.
Now, fats are one area where we falter. This is because junk food is readily available and we depend too much upon the animal fat sources. In fats, these are the good ones for a healthy and balanced diet.

Now, let’s talk about the Vitamins and Minerals

We get vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. We do buy all the vegetables but we temper them so much that in the process, vitamins and minerals get extremely reduced. 
  • You can eat steamed or boiled vegetables. 
  • You can regularly eat Carrots. 
  • You can eat broccoli. Broccoli and chicken make a very good combination. 
  • You can eat French Beans, Spinach. 
  • You can add vegetables also to your diet. Try to avoid tempering them too much.

Let us now talk about the Fruits

Certainly, eat all the seasonal fruits. The fruits that you can regularly eat are: 
  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Pomegranate 
  • Apples
  • Also, you can eat Gooseberry 
Can you believe that one gooseberry has about vitamin C equal to that of 20 oranges. So if you eat a gooseberry a day, your immune system will get robust.

If you eat all these fruits and vegetables then you will get almost all the required vitamins and minerals. In vitamins and minerals, these are the good ones for a healthy and balanced diet.

Now, let us talk about dietary fiber.

It is recommended to have 30-40 grams of fiber every day. If you are eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables regularly then you need not worry about the fiber. 
  • You can eat flax seeds
  • You can add them to oats
  • You can add them to shakes, etc.
  • Also, you can use dates. I suggest you regularly eat 5-6 dates. Not only it has fiber but it has many other health benefits. 
  • Also, you can eat Cucumber, Beetroots. 
  • You can eat red cabbage. 
You can add it to salads. It is really good. Try to eat salad at least once in a day. In dietary fiber, these are the good ones for a healthy and balanced diet.

Friends, try to keep yourself away from sugar, salt, and other spices. And at last but should be first, Water. Drink a minimum of 3 liters of water every day. If you are drinking less amount of water, then try to increase it gradually. Friends, Your health is very precious, so eat a healthy and balanced diet and stay healthy.
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